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Building Closer Relationships

       What makes us feel closer to those we love or care about? What can we do, as a little something extra, for our loved ones to feel just a little bit more heard? I've always wanted to know how to do this. The answer is contact. Even people who don't really like physical contact, feel closer to someone when they make contact. It can be as simple as a tap on the arm or a hug. Contact bonds people together and makes them feel more comfortable with that person. As I have reflected about the relationships I have with those I am most close to, I realized that the people I am closest to I have contact with more.      Some of my favorite people are the ones who I have more physical contact with. For instance, my best friend, Alaina, and I are super close and we always hugs each other hello and goodbye. She is also very good about putting her hand on me when I'm talking to her about something that is important to me. When she does this, I feel more heard a...

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